- Pmegp loan disbursement time period is minimum 3 months to 6 months it may go up to one year also
- It's completely depending on local kvic/dic / kvib officials and your clarity on your project and proper documentations
- But standard timing is 5days+ 45days+45days+ 30days= 125 working days approximately
- Process go as below
- 1.After putting online application within 5days you have to get DLFTC(interview) meeting! But it will not happen like that, it's the longest time period where your time will get wasted they may call you for interview with in 5days or may be in 6 months.!!!!
- 2. After DLFTC interview they will take more time to update on your interview results approximately 15days to 45days ..
- 3.After DLFTC interview results your files has to be forwarded to your respective bank with in 45days.
- 4. Bank may take 15days to 2 months to disbursement of loan amount
- 4. After loan disbursement you have to get EDP TRAINING for 10days
- 5. With in 3 months you will get subsidy
- It will be locked in for 3 years in bank
- After 3 years the subsidy will be get adjusted in loan account if all your documents are correct.
- You can reduce the time with proper preparations
- Documentation , proper project report , proper certificates like Population certificate ,other training certificates.
You can take my consultation regarding pmegp loan process here Pmegp consultation enrolment
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